Monday, July 2, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man New Feature Have A Look At The Amazing Spider-Lizard

A lizard who's coloring bears a resemblance to the Marvel superhero's costume has been spotted at Masai Mara National Park in Kenya. Check out the photo that strikes a similar resemblance to the superhero's costume after the jump and for a full story of where it happened at!

A photographer called Cassio Lopes went on a trip with his wife Alessandra who went along with him to Kenya Africa, In Kenya Africa the photographer was walking along a Masai Mara National Park in Kenya and this is what he had to say after he spotted the lizard bearing a striking similar coloring to the world's most famous superhero Spider-Man!

"We were on a photography workshop and on one afternoon we were parked for a couple of hours near Rongai river. It was dry at that time of the year and we'd been told a female leopard had been seen in the morning roaming around so we decided to spend some time there looking for it. After so much time without spotting the leopard we started looking for other things and my wife spotted this lizard basking in the sun on the top of a rock near the river. It was the first time we saw that kind of lizard despite our previous visits in Africa. We were mesmerised by the colourful pattern and had never seen anything like it before. I think this lizard was even more shy than Spiderman himself. It must have brought us luck though because afterwards we managed to see the leopard we were looking for."

And while he only had that to say. He did say that many parts of Africa is where he along with his wife saw intreasting things. In fact today many of the people who go to Africa may know that if you are going to go on a trip with your kids then you will spot something similar there. And because he saw the lizard with his wife. It's pretty much revealed that this is a rare species of the lizard which causes it to blend in with it's surroundings. In fact in Africa lizards can change colors if predators are around them or if they want to hide from them which makes the lizard one of the most rare and most colorful species around. And if you find it then please let me know, Thanks, Stay tuned for more news like this!

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