Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises New Incredible Fan-Made Movie Posters For The Dark Knight Rises Released

MessenjahMatt the same artist responsible for those Rise movie posters based on Christopher Nolan's Batman franchise and featuring several different characters from the movie. Has now created these fantastic fan-made posters for The Dark Knight Rises which is amazing and looks pretty awesome if you do ask me.

Here are some brand new fan-made movie posters featuring Batman looking at the sky near his Bat-Signal, Catwoman coming near to a storm because it's coming, And of course Bane going to the Gotham Rogues Football Game when the football field is blown up and if you remember in the movie trailers. It's the same thing that happens to Hines Ward the player when he is running away from the field when it's torn up and blown up. It has the taglines The Fire Rises, A Storm Is Coming, And Let The Games Begin which i think is done really well especially for how awesome these look! You can even tell that the backgrounds look also amazing as well which gives and adds a nice touch to what we have seen before.

Here are even way more brand new fan-made movie posters featuring Batman near Catwoman while locked out in a cell, Bane holding his jacket together with his hands, And Catwoman breaking into a window where they have the jewelry. This is very cool and i really like how it looks. It's amazing if you do ask me and the backgrounds of these match nicely as well too!

Here are some final movie posters that feature Batman, Bane, And Catwoman which is amazing with the effect of the rain falling and dripping which is looking pretty cool and i really like that a lot! Stay tuned for more news like this!!

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