Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises IMAX Screening Shut Down

Some of you who went to go see the midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises may be wondering what happened and if you were planning to see it.

But unfortunely i have some bad news for those wanting to go see the premiere of the movie. And i know that some of you were not there to see it. But last night the screening, One of the first major screenings for movie fans attending today's press junket went awry, A problem which many are now calling one of the biggest snufus of the year. One hour into the IMAX presented screening. The sound and picture started to fall off of synch. To the point where the audience complained and the screening was shut down. While projectionists tried and failed to fix the issue, Warner Bros. was forced to halt the screening and ask the junketeers to return Saturday morning at 8 am to rewatch the film in full, just a few hours before the press conference.

Even though the sound and picture were out of synch. Many film writers and Batman fans were upset to hear that the picture and sound was starting to fall off. And in case you did not know this a lot of Chris Nolan's movies are bulletproof so that meant that this was not holding up still. The movie of course which made a lot of people upset and angry meant that seeing the midnight screening was going to be trouble and if you ever do attend the midnight screening then you might be in a surprise. Here's what they had to say if you indeed were to come and see it.

"Even though our fans really want to see this movie through the midnight screening process. This movie is something that you will have to know and just before you think that this movie will be like that. You are left wondering what will happen and the main point is we tried to fix that."So that's why we don't want anyone to come back until we fix what happened to the screen so that we may invite fans back to watch the movie in the full version."

Even though Batman fans are still waiting to see one of the most anticipated Batman movie of the year The Dark Knight Rises, That may mean that the movie and the IMAX screening for the midnight premiere made it hard for everyone to see what was going on? Still you can be surprised when you expect to see the midnight screening on July 19th, Before the movie comes out on July 20th, There's a lot of things you can still expect and this in fact may be one of the first midnight screening that will start showing up for the movie at least. 

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