Tuesday, May 8, 2012

We Went To The Zoo Today

Okay so i know you guys have been waiting for this for a very long time and now it's finally here. Well while we were still in the classroom and sitting at our seats. Mr Brown told us that we needed to stay as a group because we were going to the zoo. Some of us had to take transportation like Tri-Met and also some had to take the bus. But we also were told if we were ordering or bringing our lunches for the trip and i brought my lunch. Then when we arrived at the zoo. We had to wait for Mrs Loomis's group because she was coming as well. And we had packets and also we had tickets so we could go to the zoo to see animals there. And it was fun and we also got to write down information about them. Then when it was time for lunch. We had lunch and it tasted great because i brought my own lunch since i did not order it, And when we were done finding the animals on our scavenger hunt then we went to the gift shop! And while there some of us wanted to buy things and some of us did not. But the fun we had at the zoo was amazing and when we went back to class. We did not tell about who our favorite animal was at the zoo but on the bus we did and i liked the bald eagle there. The zoo was amazing and it was just fun, If you really want to see the zoo then you must go there because there are a lot of animals and we wrote down important information about them. It was a lot of fun as well too!

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