Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Dark Knight New Goodwill Batman Mask

Okay so a very long time ago. I was in Goodwill with my dad and we went shopping there to look at stuff as well, And when i found the Batman mask that was for Halloween. It was about $15.99 dollars. Now when i first saw the mask i thought that maybe it was very expensive. But after deciding on weather or not to buy it. I finally chose yes and i wanted to buy it, So anyways after i paid for it and i bought it. I was really happy and the mask's size was pretty small so it fit me a little bit. It looks like the mask that Batman wears in the movie and it is pretty cool, Also please leave any nice comments and i will respond to them as soon as possible, But sometimes i am so busy that i will not be able to respond to any of your answers or questions you may have. Ha ha! But please leave any comment you like about this and i will respond,

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