Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises New Minimates

Here are 2 minimates that someone found while shopping. They feature Batman holding his grapple gun in the air like he's about to shoot at a building or something. The Batmobile which was Batman's vehicle and which was destroyed in The Dark Knight, The Bat which will be used by Batman and which will be his new air flying vehicle, John Blake pointing his gun at something like he's patrolling the area as a Gotham City Police Officer, Batman holding his cape up in the air while walking in the streets of Gotham City, Bane stomping on someone. And The Batmobile Tumbler (Camoflage Version) which will be used by Bane in the movie. These should be available at stores right now and you will be able to find them. Stay tuned for more news like this!

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