Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man Official World Premiere In Tokyo Japan

At the official world premiere for the new Spider-Man movie in Tokyo Japan. The actors Andrew Garfield, Rhys Ifans, And also actress Emma Stone attended the event in Tokyo Japan where they met with the crew and filmmakers of the movie and also discussed about how their roles are amazing and how well they stand out.

In Tokyo Japan Emma Stone, Andrew Garfield, And Rhys Ifans all got to walk the Red Carpet while thousands of Spider-Man fans dressed up in Spider-Man's costume including wearing a mask and cheering for their favorite superhero and web slinger Spider-Man! They all got to meet him and even wanted to get autographs with him.

The actors Andrew Garfield and of course Rhys Ifans got to talk with some of the main producers about the upcoming Spider-Man movie and how they are gonna promote it's big release. A lot of them also talked about how their roles would stand out perfectly and how they would fight each other in the movie. While actress Emma Stone got to talk with also the main filmmakers about what she would do in her role as Gwen Stacy when she meets Peter Parker in the movie.

To me this looks very cool! If you have not attended this event at all then you must because now you will get to see your favorite actresses and actors walk the Red Carpet. And the cast and crew will also be there as well. You will see your favorite actor who plays the web slinging hero Spider-Man in the upcoming movie Andrew Garfield walk on the Red Carpet. It's also important to note that the actors and actresses you will meet will indeed be friendly and nice to you. Plus you will get to talk with one of them as they are being interviewed about the movie. So if you have not attended the event then please do so because it's gonna be a lot of fun for you. You will also get to meet the director Marc Webb and also the creator of Spider-Man Stan Lee who will be very happy to speak with you about how he created Spider-Man and how he became a legend!

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