Saturday, May 12, 2012

New Batman Hot Wheels DC Universe Batman Bane Catwoman And Two-Face Vehicles

Here are some brand new Batman themed Hot Wheels DC Universe Batman, Bane, Catwoman, And Two-Face cars that Hot Wheels are gonna make in their new line. For a very long time i was wondering what kind of cars will Hot Wheels be making. And it turns out that they will be making some new Batman cars. The reason i am reporting on this is because this is good news and because these will be released pretty soon, Hot Wheels have announced that they will be taking on some brand new vehicles and making them. This is pretty cool since Batman fans and collectors will be able to pick these up at retailer stores pretty soon to add to their collection. The detail and quality of these is stunning and looks a lot like from the comic book. For now i don't have any information or release date for these yet since they are brand new. And since these are prototypes they are not official yet! But you will be able to find them in stores pretty soon, The box graphics and the design on them look pretty cool and the cover art looks fantastic. Also please stay tuned for more updates and news on these pretty soon.

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