Friday, May 11, 2012

Batman Arkham City Harley Quinn's Revenge Video Game New Pictures

Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment have just released some brand new photos for the anticipated upcoming video game that will be coming out and will be released pretty soon, The first photo shows The Joker's girlfriend Harley Quinn taunting The Caped Crusader Batman. It's pretty cool because it shows the background of Gotham City! It looks pretty cool and this was probably a cover for the first game which makes it pretty unique. But mainly it focuses on The Joker's girlfriend and of course focuses a little bit on The Caped Crusader. But what i really like about it is that Batman looks really angry and looks like he's not joking around. It looks pretty awesome and i really like it. Then the second photo shows Batman investigating The Joker's lair which is amazing. If you remember in the first game then you will know that The Joker broke out of Arkham Asylum and he freed all of his henchman out who worked for him. But they also worked for his girlfriend Harley Quinn and if one of them failed to stop Batman then The Joker would not spare their lives and decided their fate. When The Joker's thugs were unlucky The Joker himself could just murder them or kill them by shooting his gun and they would be killed if they did not meet their orders or rules. It's pretty nice and he's investigating an amusement park which looks nice as well, Then the third photo shows Harley Quinn's henchman. It looks really nice because the portrait of The Joker is shown in the background, But the main focus is on all The Joker's henchman and his thugs as well. Because you see in the first video game The Joker wanted his henchman to defeat Batman but his plan failed and he got caught and arrested by James Gordon in the end. Because when The Joker planned his escape from Arkham Asylum, He wanted all of his henchman to break out of the prison which means that the detective Batman could figure out what to do and so while investigating the case behind The Joker's disappearance at Arkham Asylum. Batman had to solve The Joker's clues and puzzles that he used in order to stop him. So what he did is when he solved the clue and found The Joker. He ended up beating him up and then The Joker was arrested by Gordon who finally figured out why he was a dangerous and violent enemy. Then after his arrest he wanted Harley Quinn to have her henchman ready for the wait of Batman so that she would stop him and stop him from rescuing the citizens of Gotham City. It looks really nice and they look pretty angry, Then the fourth photo shows The Boy Wonder Robin in battle and grappling one of Harley Quinn's henchman using his gadget. It looks really cool because you get to play as Robin in this game and you get to beat up henchman which is pretty nice. But he also is jumping up in the air which is very nice as well too. Then the fifth photo shows Robin The Boy Wonder kicking a thug in the back while in combat. It's pretty nice because not only do we get to see to see the thug being attacked by Robin but also the background which is very nice as well. Then the sixth photo shows Robin The Boy Wonder stepping onto a pipe while both thugs die, It looks like Robin took both down before they even got him which looks very nice. But the new detective mode system is also included in this game for both Robin and Batman, It looks pretty cool because you can search for stuff as well which is a really nice feature. I don't know an exact release date for this yet since no information has been released, But please stay tuned for more news and updates on this brand new video game.

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